Should Missionary Families Know if Their Issionary Is Injured?

I was sitting in a living room with a boyfriend, his parents and another mentoring couple, when I realized the parent-child dynamic is stiff and complex, even in adulthood. This boyfriend was feeling chosen to serve cross-culturally, and there were tears, confusion, and confessions.

How do you follow God in your calling and honour your parents, even if they are non on board?

As a missions mobilizer, I was curious and broken-hearted as I thought nearly the strong emotional pull for potential missionaries to be both true to God and respectful and loving to their parents. I prepare out to detect what both sides are feeling during that initial conversation on the bailiwick.

I created 2 spider web-based surveys. One for missionaries and the other for parents of missionaries . The responses came from all age groups, including people who were single, married with no children and married with children.

Surprisingly, nearly twoscore percent of those who responded to the survey felt chosen to missions between the ages of 10 and 13. Over 50 percent of the parents of missionaries who responded likewise said their child was chosen between these ages.

When missionaries reflected on the emotions they perceived in their parents during their first conversation, equal numbers reported feelings of pride and of fear. Other responses were sadness, criticism, denial, discouragement, and anger. One respondent said, "[My parents] expressed pride outwardly towards others, just had difficulty in the intimate conversations backside airtight doors."

These are strong emotions. They are farther complicated if the parents of the missionaries are non Christians, which requires different guidance than what is offered below. But if both parties are seeking God, you are more than likely to navigate these challenging and circuitous feelings well. So, hither are four means missionaries and their parents can honor each other as they pursue God's calling.

Assert Each Other

Missionaries, respect your parents' feelings and assist them through the process. They will grieve the loss of sharing everyday life with y'all. That multiplies if grandchildren are involved.

They may react in negative ways with words or actions that hurt. Ask God to give yous the grace to "fix an example … in voice communication, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity" (one Timothy iv:12, NIV). Affirming what they are feeling will display your maturity, both emotional and spiritual, and allow God to work in their hearts.

Parents, assert your child (no matter the age)! Give them the dearest and support y'all have spent your life pouring into them and surrender them to God.  They need to know that you believe in them. Give them the room to respond completely to God.


Missionaries, selection an advisable fourth dimension to discuss your calling with your parents. Don't drop the bomb at a family dinner or in a large group of people.

In some means, information technology is easier to be the sent one than the one sending.  The 'sent one' is living out the missionary calling that God has given them. Your parent will be living out the calling they have been handed, non necessarily one they asked for.

Your parents may also react differently from each other. Loving, respectful advice volition be the fundamental to blessing and acceptance. "The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple" (Psalm 119:130, NIV).

Parents, heed to your children and pray before speaking, as Nehemiah did. "The king said to me, 'What is information technology you want?' And so I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king" (Nehemiah 2:4-v, NIV). Nehemiah wanted to respond to the male monarch appropriately, so he prayed that God would give him the correct words. Enquire the Lord to do the same for you lot. Then, tell your children yous would like to have fourth dimension to process, and set upwards another time to talk most information technology once again in the virtually future.


Pray individually. Pray for each other. Pray together. The enemy would love nothing more than to see this calling destroy relationships. Instead of taking initial responses personally, take some time to pray, and and then come dorsum and talk some more.

Work Together

Missionaries, allow your parents to exist involved in your going process and the new life you will be living. Notice information together on where you are going, the people group you volition exist serving and introduce them to others who will be joining you or who live in-country.

Parents, help your missionaries prepare by helping with support letters and fundraisers, watching the kids and packing when information technology is time to go. Piece of work through feelings of sadness by advocating for your missionary and participating in their phone call to share the gospel to the nations.  Dear your kids plenty to help them fulfill this calling, even if it doesn't match the dream y'all envisioned for them.

Ultimately, information technology's possible for both missionaries and their parents to honor each other in this procedure, even if they don't reach full understanding.Speak the truth in love, and realize that this is part of the discipleship process for you both.

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Debbie Stephens

Debbie Stephens is the Founder and President of Equipped To Go, a non-profit organization, that serves the local church building and other non-profit organizations in equipping sent out ones. She lives in Knoxville, TN with her husband Alan. Debbie likewise joined the Upstream Collective squad in 2010 and coordinates the Jet Set department. She is able to employ her skills of training and equipping to ready Jet Gear up teams for cross-cultural ministry.


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